Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The great race as it it is called has an amazing history dating back to the 1880s during the mining boom in Nome.
Dogs and sled men transported firewood mining equipment gold food to Nome During it hey day Mushing was the most popular of sports up until 1960 when snow mobiles were introduced into Alaska .
In 1908 the All Alaska Sweep Stakes and the 1925 Serum run were the most famous of events for dog Mushing .
The Serum run was the delivery of the antitoxin for the diphtheria epidemic that spread through the community . Dogs ran in relays until the serum was delivered to Nome. Balto is the most famous of sled dogs and is commemorated in a statue in Central Park . Common belief is that Togo is the Hero dog. The dogs and their master are heros . I believe all of them.
Every March since 1973 people have flocked to Anchorage Alaska for the start of the race . It is the pre race training of the dogs that makes this the most amazing physical event .Dogs are conditioned . Training starts late Summer and intensifies up until March . The amazing teams of dogs can run anywhere up to 2000 Klm
Facts on the race:
The route is a grueling 1600 klms
There are 2 routes that are used each alternate year
There are 25 checkpoints and 3 mandatory stops
There are generally 50 entrants each year
Temperatures can get to minus ( very cold degrees)
The last mushers over the line is referred as the” Red Lantern”
The race takes a minimum of 10 days to complete
There are generally 6 dogs per sled .
The favored breed of dog is the Siberian Husky .
The Idatarod is now a professional sport and sponsored. Many of the competitors do speeches etc to fund the cost of feeding dogs and racing them which can be up to $80,000.
I really enjoyed writing this blog ..

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